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The Marcia Miatke Show

Feb 22, 2022

In this episode you'll learn: 

01:25  Signs of indecisiveness 

02:01  Recognizing indecisiveness as a pattern 

02:57  Reasons you may be indecisive 

05:58  Your indecision is costing you happiness 

06:57  Your indecision is costing you money 

08:50  Your indecision is costing you opportunity 

11:45  How to overcome indecisiveness 

07:26  You’re never going to make all the right decisions but you have to trust yourself to make a decision 

08:50  One of the most important skills of a business owner or an entrepreneur or a leader or a manager is the ability to make decisions. You have to be able to make decisions. If you are unable to make decisions you cannot run a successful business. 

10:00  In business if you don’t take the action you don’t get to learn. 

10:31  If you are living in the pattern of indecision you can never live a truly powerful life. 

10:57  I’ve actually coached women who were in their 70’s who said, “Why did I stay when he treated me like that. Now I have no opportunity to find somebody else.” We tell ourselves this lie when we’re middle age, about being too old to find the right person.  You’re never going be too old for the right person. 

11:41 How you do anything is how you do everything. 

If you loved this episode please help spread our message of inspiration and share this episode with someone. Also, be sure to tag me on your IG stories @marciamiatke with your biggest takeaway! 

I'd love to connect with you my love. Come join our Facebook group where I do weekly Live training to help you heal, elevate your mindset as well as teach you skills to build your emotional intelligence and resilience to live a truly abundant life. 

Facebook Group: @empoweringwomenforsuccess 

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