Jul 2, 2021
Welcome to a new segment of our show called Ask Marce (AM), where Marce will be answering a question from our Empowering Women For Success Facebook group. Every Wednesday we ask our FB community to comment on any questions they have about emotions, relationships, healing or business.
Today’s question is from Stephanie who asked:
How to keep other energy and drama from disrupting my energy?
In this episode I talk about:
(02:43) Consider distancing yourself from emotionally draining people
(03:14) The art of being present with others
(04:19) Set the intention when going to conversation
(04:38) Protect yourself by creating an energetic bubble
(05:09) Identify your role in the dynamic
(07:35) Recap
(05:19) Sometimes when we are so used to being that listening ear, that shoulder to cry on, we are so identified with that; we literally attract that into our lives, so people come to us because we are this empathetic being but we are feeding into that addiction too. Sometimes we are equally as addicted to that emotion, remember our emotions and feelings happen inside of our body and if we program our body to experience this emotion for long enough they become who we are.
(08:53) You are not here to absorb other people’s crap, that is not why you are put on this planet. Yes we want to be loving in this world and we want to serve and we want to help but not at the detriment of our own emotional wellbeing
If you loved this episode please help spread our message of inspiration and share this episode with someone. Also, be sure to tag me on your IG stories @marciamiatke with your biggest takeaway!
I'd love to connect with you my love. Come join our Facebook group where I do weekly Live trainings to help you heal, elevate your mindset as well as teach you skills to build your emotional intelligence and resilience to live a truly abundant life.
Facebook Group: @empoweringwomenforsuccess
Facebook: @marciamiatke
Instagram: @marciamiatke
LinkedIn: @marciamiatke